Sunday, September 30, 2012

On the eve of World Teacher’s Day [October 5th, 2012], as countries across the g…

On the eve of World Teacher's Day [October 5th, 2012], as countries across the globe prepare for ceremonies in appreciation of our honorable and dedicated teachers, a large number of innocent teachers with an extensive history of service in Iran's education sector remain behind bars because they had the courage to demand that their civil rights be upheld. Honorable Iranian teachers who have dedicated their lives to servicing the educational needs of remote and deprived regions in Iran have now been banned from the teaching profession and deprived of all their benefits and rights.

This World Teacher’s Day, Let us be the Voice for the Voiceless and Innocent Iranian Teachers Behind
On the eve of World Teacher's Day , as countries across the globe prepare for ceremonies in appreciation of our honorable and dedicated teachers, a large number

30.000 SUPPORTERS and 16 groups and Non-Governmental Organizations DEMAND FREEDO…

30.000 SUPPORTERS and 16 groups and Non-Governmental Organizations DEMAND FREEDOM FOR NASRIN SOTOUDEH!

Speaking of Sotoudeh’s physical condition, Reza Khandan, husband of prominent human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran , “She is so weak and skinny, she is hardly recognizable!

International Campaign In support Nasrin Sotoudeh announced today: 30.000 SUPPORTERS and 15 Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations DEMAND

News vom 30.September 2012

Iran meets Israel: Grenzenlose Freundschaft Online-Umfrage: Nur 9 Prozent halten Shargh-Karikatur für beleidigend (FA) Shahin Najafis Vortrag an der UC Berkeley: Ein Überblick über die iranische Protestmusik Autor Arion Golmakani erhält Internationalen William Saroyan Preis Fotobericht: Bergwanderung in Darakeh im Norden Teherans Politik und Wirtschaft  US-Wahlkampf: Mitt Romney schließt einen Militärangriff auf Iran nicht aus [...]

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Speaking of Sotoudeh’s physical condition, Khandan told the Campaign, “She is so…

Speaking of Sotoudeh’s physical condition, Khandan told the Campaign, “She is so weak and skinny, she is hardly recognizable.

Wall Photos
Speaking of Sotoudeh’s physical condition, Khandan told the Campaign, “She is so weak and skinny, she is hardly recognizable.

(Please Scroll Down for the Text in English and Persian.)

رضا خندان در پاسخ به آخرین وضعیت جسمی همسرش به کمپین گفت: « آنقدر لاغر و ضعیف شده است که به سختی دیگر قابل شناسایی است.

Friday, September 28, 2012

She was telling me today in our visit that when Faezah Hashemi came to the ward [this week] and talked to other prisoners, she inquired about her, asking whether Nasrin Soutodeh was among them. This is while Nasrin was sitting right in front of her! Nasrin’s appearance has changed so much; she is so skinny, and her eyes are hollowed, to the point where she is no longer recognizable. Nasrin is no longer like the person in the photos that were distributed everywhere. Her cellmates told Faezeh Hashemi that Nasrin was sitting right in front of her!”

امروز در ملاقات به من می گفت که فائزه هاشمی وقتی وارد بند شده و با بچه ها صحبت کرده است، سراغ او را گرفته است و گفته خانم ستوده هم پیش شما هستند؟ در حالیکه نسرین درست مقابلش نشسته بوده، یعنی اینقدر نسرین قیافه اش تغییر کرده، لاغر شده و چشم هایش گود افتاده که دیگر قابل تشخیص نیست. نسرین دیگر مثل عکس هایش نیست که همه جا پخش شده است. هم بندی ها به خانم هاشمی گفته اند نسرین جلوی رویت نشسته است!»

Nasrin Sotoudeh’s husband: “She is so weak and skinny, she is hardly recognizable.

Friday, September 28, 2012

She was telling me today in our visit that when Faezah Hashemi came to the ward [this week] and talked to other prisoners, she inquired about her, asking whether Nasrin Soutodeh was among them. This is while Nasrin was sitting right in front of her! Nasrin’s appearance has changed so much; she is so skinny, and her eyes are hollowed, to the point where she is no longer recognizable. Nasrin is no longer like the person in the photos that were distributed everywhere. Her cellmates told Faezeh Hashemi that Nasrin was sitting right in front of her!”

A news agency in Iran has published a report by the satirical news website, The…

A news agency in Iran has published a report by the satirical news website, The Onion, saying rural white Americans would rather vote for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than Barack Obama.

Iran news agency falls for spoof
An Iranian news agency reproduces a report from a US satirical website which says rural Americans would rather vote for Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than Barack Obama.

News vom 29.September 2012

Ahmadinedschad beliebter als Obama? US-Satiriker verschaukeln iranische Nachrichtenagentur Justus-Liebig-Universität: Dritte Gießener Iran-Konferenz Günter Grass provoziert Israel mit neuem Gedichtband Neue Deutung der achämenidischen Palastreliefs von Persepolis Politik und Wirtschaft Atomstreit: Sechsergruppe will wieder mit Iran verhandeln Atomstreit mit Iran: Obama und Netanjahu zeigen Einigkeit Vereinte Nationen: Westerwelle fordert Teheran zum Einlenken auf USA streichen Volksmudschahedin [...]

Friday, September 28, 2012

Exilierter iranischer Journalist Zad Salehi: Freie Berichterstattung als eine Voraussetzung für Demokratie

Artikel 19 der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte besagt: „Jeder hat das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung; dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, Meinungen ungehindert anzuhängen sowie über Medien jeder Art und ohne Rücksicht auf Grenzen Informationen und Gedankengut zu suchen, zu empfangen und zu verbreiten.“ Der freie Informations- und Nachrichtenfluss hat die hauptsächliche, grundlegende [...]

News vom 28.September 2012

EU-Ratspräsidentschaft fordert Freilassung der Oppositionsführer Moussavi und Karroubi (FA) Stummer Beginn des neuen Studienjahrs in der Islamischen Republik Der Cartoon, der zur Schließung der Tageszeitung “Shargh” führte Fotobericht: Zarathustras Kaaba, ein beeindruckendes achämenidisches Monument   Politik und Wirtschaft UN-Vetomächte und Deutschland drängen Iran zum Einlenken EU-Außenbeauftragte Ashton: Iran soll unverzüglich handeln UNO-Rede gegen Iran: Netanjahus [...]

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In-person Visitation for Writing D…

Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In-person Visitation for Writing Defense on Tissue

Speaking of Sotoudeh’s physical condition, her husband Reza Khandan told the Campaign, “She is so weak and skinny, she is hardly recognizable.

Sotoudeh Nominated for Sakharov Prize, Denied In-person Visitation for Writing Defense on Tissue | P
Nasrin Sotoudeh, imprisoned lawyer and human rights activist, was nominated this week for the prestigious European Union Sakharov Human Rights Prize. News of

Iranian diplomat attacked in New York

Iranian diplomat attacked in New York

Iranian diplomat attacked in New York | Radio Zamaneh: Independent Media, Debate and E-learning for.
The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Ramin Mehmanparast, was attacked by angry protesters in New York on Wednesday.

News vom 27.September 2012

Außenamtssprecher Mehmanparast in New York von Demonstranten attackiert Weiteres Video der Attacke auf Mehmanparast Reformerzeitung Shargh wegen Karikatur geschlossen Interview mit dem prominenten Bildhauer Parviz Tanavoli Fotobericht: Geheimdienst veranstaltet Ausstellung westlicher „Sabotageobjekte“ (witzig) Politik und Wirtschaft Atomstreit: Islamische Republik zum Stopp der Urananreicherung auf 20 Prozent bereit UN vertiefen Zusammenarbeit mit Arabischer Liga: Arabische Diplomaten [...]

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NEVER AGAIN? From Charles Krauthammer of The Washington Post: The world ha…


From Charles Krauthammer of The Washington Post:

The world has paid ample attention to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's declaration that Israel must be destroyed. Less attention has been paid to Iranian leaders' pronouncements on exactly how Israel would be "eliminated by one storm," as Ahmadinejad has promised.

Former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the presumed moderate of this gang, has explained that "the use of a nuclear bomb in Israel will leave nothing on the ground, whereas it will only damage the world of Islam." The logic is impeccable, the intention clear: A nuclear attack would effectively destroy tiny Israel, while any retaliation launched by a dying Israel would have no major effect on an Islamic civilization of a billion people stretching from Mauritania to Indonesia.

…Last week Bernard Lewis, America's dean of Islamic studies, who just turned 90 and remembers the 20th century well, confessed that for the first time he feels it is 1938 again. He did not need to add that, in 1938, in the face of the gathering storm — a fanatical, aggressive, openly declared enemy of the West, and most determinedly of the Jews — the world did nothing.

When Iran's mullahs acquire their coveted nukes in the next few years, the number of Jews in Israel will just be reaching 6 million. Never again?

Ahmadinejad’s New World Order

Ahmadinejad’s New World Order

Wall Photos
طرحهایی برای حق و حقوق بشر…
Ahmadinejad’s New World Order

By Touka Neyestani

The photo campaign by Amnesty International Norway’s youth Group ends tomorrow….

The photo campaign by Amnesty International Norway’s youth Group ends tomorrow.
Everyone has to remember to send their photo to !

Free Nasrin’s photostream by Amnesty International Norway’s youth Group | Persian Icons
Amnesty International Norway's youth group is hosting a photo campaign from September 13-27 in support of the Iranian defense lawyer, Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has

Iranian actor supports Ahmadinejad’s Cultural Boycott of the Oscars in protest t…

Iranian actor supports Ahmadinejad's Cultural Boycott of the Oscars in protest to the Youtube Homemade anti Islam Movie …

Wall Photos
احمد نجفی: همه از تحریم اسکار حمایت کنیم

وی ادامه داد: نمی توان در برابر ساخت فیلم های ضد اسلامی ساکت ماند و تحریم اسکار اقدام مناسبی در این زمینه است.

عضو شورای عالی سینما تحریم اسکار را تصمیم درستی در برابر تولید فیلم موهن آمریکایی علیه پیامبر اکرم (ص) دانست و خواستار حمایت از این رویکرد شد.

احمد نجفی روز چهارشنبه در گفت وگو با ایرنا افزود: معتقدم در شرایط کنونی عدم حضور در اسکار به سود سینمای ایران است.

وی ادامه داد: نمی توان در برابر ساخت فیلم های ضد اسلامی ساکت ماند و تحریم اسکار اقدام مناسبی در این زمینه است.

عضو شورای عالی سینما تاکید کرد: امسال با توجه به شرایط موجود شانسی در اسکار نداریم و به هر حال اسکار نگاه سیاسی خاص خود را دارد.

نجفی همچنین حال انتخاب فیلم سینمایی یه حبه قند برای اسکار را مناسب دانست و توضیح داد: یه حبه قند فیلم بسیار خوبی است و متاسفم که این اتفاق برای این اثر سینمایی رخ داد و این فیلم شانس حضور در اسکار را ندارد.

وی تاکید کرد: در شرایط کنونی همه باید از رویکرد وزیر فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی و رییس سازمان امور سینمایی حمایت کرده و فیلم ایرانی امسال به اسکار فرستاده نشود.احمد-نجفی-همه-از-تحریم-اسکار-حمایت-کنیم