Monday, September 30, 2013

News vom 30. September 2013

Hunderte Studenten der TU Urmia demonstrieren für mehr Freiheit (FA) Rouhani ordnet Überprüfung von Direktflügen zwischen Iran und USA an (FA)  Iran reicht neuen Farhadi-Film als Oscar-Beitrag ein Iranischer Regisseur Mohammad Rasoulof kann bei Premiere nicht dabei sein  Politik und Wirtschaft Atomprogramm: USA halten schnelle Einigung mit Iran für möglich Chemiewaffen-Zerstörung: Kontrolleure beginnen Syrien-Einsatz Uno-Resolution […]

Sunday, September 29, 2013

News vom 29. September 2013

Ayatollahs fordern Ende des Hausarrests der Oppositionsführer Moussavi und Karroubi (FA) Debatte Iran: Sehnsucht nach Coca-Cola Internet: Löcher im “elektronischen Vorhang” Irans Internetblockade der Website von CNN in Iran aufgehoben (FA) Iranisches Filmfestival am San Francisco Art Institute eröffnet Fotobericht aus Schiras: Zerstörung von Satellitenschüsseln mit Panzern Politik und Wirtschaft  Rouhanis Gespräch mit Obama entzweit […]

Saturday, September 28, 2013

2,700-year-old Persian artifact a gift of U.S. diplomacy to Iran?
A 2,700 year-old silver chalice may be a new token of friendship between the United States and Iran, at least that's the way Iran's cultural heritage chief sees it.

News vom 28. September 2013

Saham News dementiert Nachricht von zeitweiser Freilassung Karroubis (FA) Iran-Israel: Komiker Maz Jobrani und Elon Gold starten Friedenskampagne Auftakt zur 60. Kogge-Tagung in Minden: Said ist überzeugt von der Macht der Poesie Archäo-Diplomatie: USA geben Iran silbernes Greifen-Rhyton zurück Politik und Wirtschaft Historisches Telefonat: US-Präsident Obama spricht mit Irans Präsident Rouhani USA und Russland einigen […]

Friday, September 27, 2013

News vom 27. September 2013

Familien iranischer Gefallener fordern Freilassung der Oppositionsführer Moussavi, Rahnavard und Karroubi (FA) Regierungsbildung: SPD-Führung will mit Union sondieren Bericht zur iranischen Musik-Branche: Zensur und Exil Iranischer Regisseur Mohammad Rasoulof: Die Messerprobe Politik und Wirtschaft  Iran und Amerika – Ein historisches Treffen Atomverhandlungen: USA stellen Iran baldiges Ende der Sanktionen in Aussicht Chemiewaffen: Russland verhindert Sanktionen […]

The Iranian newspaper Ettela’at Daily, dated May 17, 1995, in bold letters quote…

The Iranian newspaper Ettela'at Daily, dated May 17, 1995, in bold letters quoted Rouhani as saying: "The beautiful chant of 'Death to America' is unifying our country"!

The young woman in this video, Masoumeh Ebtekar, is #Rouhani's current vice president and also his Minister of Environment.
In 1979, she was known as "Sister Mary". She was the spokesperson for the radical Iranian students who took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran.
In this video, taken on December 6,1979, she was asked by a TVI reporter about the American hostages. She replies to his question: "I would not hesitate to take a rifle and shoot an American Hostage in the head!"

In August of 2013, #Rouhani commented on approval of #Pourmohamadi as his cabinet's Minister of Justice, that he is confident #Pourmohamadi will be most effective in promoting justice and combating vice. #Rouhani emphasized that he was not influenced by anyone in choosing his cabinet members.

Last text taken out of scroll and put on black background like others.
#Rouhani, The man who supported 1979 US Embassy take over in #Iran, is coming to the #US!

Do you still believe he is a moderate?

#Rouhani, The man who supported 1979 US Embassy take over in #Iran, is coming to the #US!
[9/24/13 2:21:51 PM] mohamad rastegar: The Iranian newspaper Ettela'at Daily, dated May 17, 1995, in bold letters quoted Rouhani as saying: "The beautiful ch…

Thursday, September 26, 2013

News vom 26. September 2013

Ex-Präsident Khatami fordert Freilassung aller politischen Gefangenen (FA) Menschenrechte: Nasrin Sotoudeh will wieder als Anwältin arbeiten Nominiert für Berliner Hörspielfestival: Oliver Kontny “Iranian Voices – Republik der Verrückten” Filmfest Hamburg 2013: politisch und intermedial Archäologie: Orientforscher beklagen zerstörte Kulturstätten Politik und Wirtschaft  Atomprogramm: Die Islamische Republik an ihren Taten messen Noch kein Durchbruch bei Syrien-Resolution: […]

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You won’t hear Amanpour asking these!

You won't hear Amanpour asking these!

Six Questions About Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
What follows is a human rights index — an inventory of serious human rights abuses and the corresponding actions required — to turn Iran from a republic of fear to what Rouhani himself called a free Iran. Indeed, the queries below serve as a litmus test for the authenticity of Rouhani's commitment…

News vom 25. September 2013

130 iranische Studentenaktivisten fordern Rouhani zu Verhandlungen auf (FA) 40 relegierte iranische Studenten kehren an Universität zurück (FA) Kontrollvertrag: USA wollen Waffenhandelsabkommen unterzeichnen Interview mit Film-Regisseur Rasoulof: Die Mechanik der Folter Angedeutete Blicke in einen alten Spiegel: Shirin Neshat und Natalie Portman drehen Trailer Viennale 2013  Politik und Wirtschaft  UN-Vollversammlung: Kein Treffen von Obama und […]

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Obama on Iran: Words will have to be matched by actions that are transparent and…

Obama on Iran: Words will have to be matched by actions that are transparent and verifiable. #UNGA live blog:

Live blog: Tuesday at the U.N. General Assembly
Speaking about Syria, Ban said the international response to the chemical weapons problem in the devastated county has created "diplomatic momentum" for…

News vom 24. September 2013

Menschenrechtsanwältin Nasrin Sotoudeh erwartet weitere Freilassungen 500 iranische Aktivisten an Obama: “Versäumen Sie nicht die günstige Gelegenheit” Dutzende politische Häftlinge in Iran freigelassen Amerikanischer Menschenrechtspreis für inhaftierten Physikstudenten Omid Kokabee Verbotene Reformerzeitung “Ham-mihan” wird neu aufgelegt (FA) Politik und Wirtschaft   UN-Vollversammlung in New York: Bewegung im Atomstreit mit Iran UN-Vollversammlung: Westerwelles letzter großer Auftritt […]

#Rouhani, The man who supported 1979 US Embassy take over in #Iran, is coming to…

#Rouhani, The man who supported 1979 US Embassy take over in #Iran, is coming to the #US!

1. #Ahmadinejad denied the #Holocaust, and #Rouhani supported not only the take over of the US Embassy in 1979, but also applauded the slogan of "death to America"!
During the US Embassy takeover he said: "The building [of US embassy] was an occupying territory that needed to be taken over." see newspaper article in this video.
2. Masoumeh Ebtekar (the young woman in this video), #Rouhani's current vice president and minister of Environment, on December 6,1979 was asked by a TVI reporter about the American hostages, and she commented that she would not hesitate to take a rifle and shoot an American Hostage in the head!
3. Mr. Pourmohamadi, #Rouhani's Minister of Justice, was one of the three members of the infamous "Death Committee", who in 1988 ordered execution of 5,000 political prisoner in #Iran. (
4. Between 1997-2000, Mr. Zarif, was the chairman of the United Nations Disarmament Commission, he helped ex-Iranian president Khatami to negotiate Iran's disarmament of chemical weapons, which he later claimed was effective in regime's goal of hidding these weapons from the West. Now, Mr. Zarif is #Rouhani's Minister of foreign Affair (Secretary of State) who during his nomination process at the Iranian parliament said that he negotiated with the American's just to confuse and double cross them (watch time of 27:37 for words out of his own mouth)!

The Man who supported "THE 1979 IRANIAN US EMBASSY HOSTAGE CRISIS" is coming
The man who supported "THE 1979 IRANIAN US EMBASSY HOSTAGE CRISIS" is coming

Monday, September 23, 2013

A TIME TO BETRAY Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has gone on a charm offensive…


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has gone on a charm offensive lately with multiple interviews with American media promising collaboration, but a recent video shows he takes pride in deceiving the West.

“Gone is the age of blood feuds,” Rouhani stated in an op-ed in the Washington Post. “World leaders are expected to lead in turning threats into opportunities,” he wrote in the Post Friday.

In interviews with ABC and NBC, Rouhani said that Iran will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has the authority to make a deal with the West. “In its nuclear program, this government enters with full power and has complete authority,” Rouhani said. “Under no circumstances would we seek any weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, nor will we ever.”

Read more:


News vom 23. September 2013

Iranische Reporter fordern Wiedereröffnung von Journalistenverband Neuer Rektor der Freien Universität: Studenten werden nicht wegen Überzeugungen entlassen Gold für iranischen Ringer Nematpour bei der WM in Ungarn  Kurdische Musik: Der Blues aus den Bergen Politik und Wirtschaft  Iran fordert Akzeptanz des Westens: Rouhani verteidigt Urananreicherung Abbau von Chemiewaffen: Moskau will Militärs nach Syrien schicken Bürgerkrieg: […]

“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” – George Washington Masoumeh…

"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." – George Washington

Masoumeh Ebtekar, a female Iranian terrorist and one of the leaders of the Iran Hostage Crisis at the U.S. embassy in Tehran who was a spokeswoman for the hostage takers nicknamed "Sister Mary" was appointed as Rouhani's President and Head of Environmental Protection Organization on September 10, 2013.

In a public interview, Masoumeh Ebtekar said that she was ready to shoot at an American's head and is not regretful for her actions during the Hostage taking. Min 01: 07
Link to her interview during the Hostage Crisis:

Timeline Photos
Masoumeh Ebtekar, a female Iranian terrorist and one of the leaders of the Iran Hostage Crisis at the U.S. embassy in Tehran who was a spokeswoman for the hostage takers nicknamed "Sister Mary" was appointed as Rouhani's President and Head of Environmental Protection Organization on September 10, 2013.

In a public interview, Masoumeh Ebtekar said that she was ready to shoot at an American's head and is not regretful for her actions during the Hostage taking. Min 01: 07
Link to her interview during the Hostage Crisis:

Shabnam Assadollahi
September 23, 2013

اخیرا معصومه ابتکاردرمصاحبه با تلویزیون دولتی "پرس تی وی‌" در مورد گروگانگیری سفارت آمریکا، رویدادی که زمینه ساز پرهزینه‌ترین بحران‌ها ، از جمله جنگ ، کشته و آواره شدن صدها هزار ایرانی‌، تحریم و انزوای بین‌المللی شده است، اظهار نظر نمود.
نیلوفر ابتکار معروف به معصومه ابتکاراز دانشجویانی بود که در بحران گروگان‌گیری در سفارت آمریکا مشارکت داشت و در سفارتخانه به «سیستر مری» یا «خواهر مری» معروف شد.
ابتکار طی سال‌های ۱۳۷۶ تا ۱۳۸۴ در سمت معاون محمد خاتمی و رییس سازمان حفاظت محیط زیست انجام وظیفه نمود و درانتخابات شورای شهر تهران در سال ۱۳۸۵ یکی از کاندیداهای فهرست اصلاح‌طلبان بود و با پیروزی در انتخابات به عضویت شورا درآمد.
قابل توجه است نیلوفر ابتکار بجای عذرخواهی از یک عمل فاجعه‌آمیز که با تمام اصول اخلاقی و انسانی و بین‌المللی منافات داشته، همچنان مشغول موجه جلوه دادن رفتار و گفتار خود و هم قطاران‌شان هستند.
در این ویدئو تناقض آشکار اظهارات خانم ابتکار با مستند پخش شده از شبکه آی‌ تی وی‌ در سال ۱۹۷۹ قابل مشاهده است که از شما دعوت می‌کنیم این ویدئو را ببینید
Another source:

Sunday, September 22, 2013

News vom 22. September 2013

Amnesty fordert Stopp der Hinrichtung von vier Kurden in Iran Weiterer iranischer Amtsträger spricht sich für Facebook aus Bundestagswahl: Demoskopen sehen Patt – mit Unsicherheitsfaktor AfD Interkulturelle Wochen: Gemeinsam gegen Rassismus Großbrand verwüstet weiter den Nationalpark Golestan Kinderfilmfestival Lucas: Helden im Wirrwarr der Zeit Politik und Wirtschaft  Amerika und Iran: Ein Handschlag reicht nicht Westerwelle […]

Saturday, September 21, 2013

News vom 21. September 2013

Asia Society in New York: Ausstellung “Iran Modern” Iranische Studentinnen protestieren gegen Diskriminierung an Universitäten Ausgezeichnet: Junge Berliner als Helfer für Flüchtlinge Regisseur Mohammad Rasoulof: Gefangen in einem totalitären Land Fotobericht: Kultur- und Sportfestival in Nordwest-Iran Politik und Wirtschaft  Iran und Amerika – Avancen aus Teheran Deutsche Chemikalien-Lieferungen: Ausgerechnet nach Syrien Grenzort Asas in Syrien: […]