Friday, August 31, 2012

News vom 31. August 2012

Wer steckt hinter den gefährlichen Satelliten-Störsendern in Iran? Journalismus: Handy-Videos – Original oder Fälschung? Paralympics 2012: Diskuswerfer Ali Ghardooni will Gold gewinnen Castingshows: Afghanistan sucht den Fußballstar Rockband „Kiosk“ bereitet sich auf große Europa- und US-Tournee vor Filmfest von Venedig startet mit Polit-Drama und Reverenz an Jafar Panahi Politik und Wirtschaft IAEA-Bericht: Islamische Republik verdoppelt [...]

Human Rights Action Center videos provide the United Nations Universal Declarati…

Human Rights Action Center videos provide the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in English and Persian.
Created by Seth Brau
Produced by Amy Poncher
Music by Rumspringa courtesy Cantora Records

Universal Declaration of Human Rights Video | Persian Icons
These Human Rights Action Center videos provide the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in English and Persian. You can watch the English

Thursday, August 30, 2012

News vom 30. August 2012

Oppositioneller Vahedi an ausländische Journalisten: Stellen Sie die Verantwortlichen zur Rede! Zensurbestimmungen für iranische Medien während des Blockfreien-Gipfels Spannungen zwischen Iran und Israel: „Wir wollen lieber ans Meer“ Cyberspionage gegen Islamische Republik weitet sich aus World of Warcraft – Blizzard sperrt iranische Spieler aus Politik und Wirtschaft Atomstreit mit Iran: UN-Generalsekretär fordert diplomatische Einigung Blockfreien-Gipfel in [...]

The 69th Venice Film Festival has opened with a gala ceremony. A symbolic empty…

The 69th Venice Film Festival has opened with a gala ceremony.

A symbolic empty chair was on stage for the absent Iranian director Jafar Panahi, who was jailed two years ago on charges of acting against national security.

Wall Photos
The 69th Venice Film Festival has opened with a gala ceremony.

A symbolic empty chair was on stage for the absent Iranian director Jafar Panahi, who was jailed two years ago on charges of acting against national security.

Please watch Euronews video report on the event

The festival’s grand jury features stars of the screen from all corners of the globe.

Other jury members include US director Michael Mann and actress Kate Hudson.

They will vote to decide which movie will pick up the Golden Lion prize, the award handed to the festival’s best offering.

This year’s event, which runs until September 8, will show a total of 52 films.

It kicked off with the world premiere of The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Indian director Mira Nair.

The thriller tells the tale of a young Pakistani man who becomes torn between East and West after the September 11 attacks.

American intelligence later target him, suspecting he has links to radical Islamist groups.

Polish-born actress and model Katia Smutniak, the event’s hostess, in a cherry r…

Polish-born actress and model Katia Smutniak, the event’s hostess, in a cherry red dress, declared the fest open after striking a separate, but related, political note.

She pointed to an empty white seat on the stage, Venice’s reminder to the world, following similar initiatives in Berlin and Cannes, that Iranian helmer Jafar Panahi is still held under house arrest in his country..

Please watch Euronews video report on the event.

Venice opens with “empty chair for Panahi”
Polish-born actress and model Katia Smutniak, the event's hostess, in a cherry red dress, declared the fest open after striking a separate, but related,

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saba Farzan: So Ban Ki Moon slammed the Iranian regime’s human rights record – h…

Saba Farzan: So Ban Ki Moon slammed the Iranian regime's human rights record – how about condemning and actually doing something about these awful violations WITHOUT traveling there? UN chief slams Iran's human rights record during Tehran visit

Only hours after his arrival in Tehran, Ban Ki-moon called on Iran to work with UN to improve the human rights situation in the country; UN chief also met with Khamenei, Ahmadinejad.

Saba Farzan is an Iranian-born journalist based in Germany.

News vom 29. August 2012

Iranische Opposition fordert von UN-Generalsekretär Besuch politischer Gefangener Ban Ki Moon wird Atomkonflikt und Menschenrechte in Teheran erörtern Einheimischer Muppet warnt Israelis vor iranischem Luftangriff Rollenspiele für PC: Iran verbietet World of Warcraft und Guild Wars Interview mit Jahanshah Javid: Von zu Graffiti-Kunst in Afghanistan: Mit der Spraydose gegen Islamisten Politik und Wirtschaft [...]

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

News vom 28. August 2012

Aufruf der Grünen Bewegung zu nächtlichen Protesten bei Blockfreien-Gipfel (FA) Bewegung der Blockfreien besetzt Teheran Kurzmeldungen aus der iranischen Zivilgesellschaft – 21. August 2012 Zornige iranische Jugend berichtet Farah Pahlavi von Missständen  Studentin im Erdbebengebiet: “Der Schmerz lässt sich nicht in Worte fassen” Wie man in Iran Filmproduzentin werden kann Politik und Wirtschaft Hilfe für [...]

Monday, August 27, 2012

Relief Operation, Iranian Style! By Iranian Cartoonist Tooka Neyestani Touka N…

Relief Operation, Iranian Style!
By Iranian Cartoonist Tooka Neyestani

Touka Neyestani, (born 1960 in Shahrood, Iran) is an Iranian political cartoonist who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is the brother of Mana Neyestani, who is also a cartoonist.

Wall Photos
عمليات نجات به روش ايراني !
كاري از : توكا نيستاني

Open letter to His Excellency Ban Ki moon, relating to decision to attend the No…

Open letter to His Excellency Ban Ki moon, relating to decision to attend the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran

by Reza Pahlavi
Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Open Letter
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
The United Nations
New York, NY

Your Excellency,

Your decision to attend the Non Aligned Movement (NAM), this week in Tehran, draws special attention to the unique role of the Secretary General as the leader of the United Nations, an institution that, in 1945, set as the preamble of its charter the following mission statement:

“To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom…”

In turn, the Non Aligned Movement has established the driving principals of the UN charter as the requisite basis of qualification for membership by candidate countries: Known as the “Ten Bandung Principles" it is noteworthy that “Respect for fundamental human rights” is the very first item of the charter of the NAM conference — Your Excellency is to attend in Tehran this week.

With great irony and quite unfortunately, the clerical regime of Iran’s continued, systematic and gross violation of human rights — within and beyond its borders — is a sad truth and an established fact that has been brought to your attention by a myriad of organizations, world citizens and leaders, including the UN’s own Human Rights Council and Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran.

Your Excellency’s attendance of the Tehran NAM conference is being watched very closely because of the unique mandate and opportunity afforded to your office at such an important and high-visibility conference, with the expectation that the dire condition of the thousands of political prisoners languishing in your host's prison cells will not be forgotten under any circumstance or diplomatic protocol.

Clearly, the Tehran conference will seek to detract, through lavish conferences, receptions and dramatic communiqués, the remotest attention from the thousands of men and woman, young and old suffering from cruel, unusual, life threatening conditions and torture at the hands of your very hosts. However, because of your personal awareness of the facts, there is a high level of confidence that you will not forget or leave un-addressed the plight of our political prisoners as they will be left with very little hope if the regime is given a pass by the international community, and not held accountable by a world body as important as the United Nations.

At the moment when the regime’s ‘supreme leader,’ Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, inaugurates the Tehran conference, he will do so while holding the very pen and key that has ordered and locked thousands of our nameless compatriots in prison cells and torture chambers throughout Tehran, the city host to you and all heads of states attending the NAM conference.

To the regime, it matters little who from, or why, a voice may rise in complaint, protest or grievance. Legitimate, well-founded or not, from friend or foe, the regime’s response to an alternate opinion is usually swift, punishing, cruel, crushing and often accompanied with great bravado: because they simply don’t feel — and are not held — accountable!

To that end neither Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Kazemeiny Boroujerdi nor Mr. Mir. Hossein Musavi, respectively a prominent clergy and a candidate for the presidency of the Islamic Republic, have been spared the regime’s wrath: both individuals have suffered deterioration of their health while held as political prisoners of the regime.

In Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s case, even though a learned cleric, he has not been exempt from intense regular physical torture; while, Mr. Mir Hossein Musavi’s three year detention has included heavy psychological torture and targeted denial of timely medical attention.

While the tide is fast changing as demands for accountability fuels the winds of change that are filling the sails of civil disobedience and peaceful defiance throughout Iran, high profile international attention to our plight is essential and often energizing as the Iranian people themselves will invariably chose right from wrong and bring light to darkness.

Your Excellency, I favor your high profile attendance of the NAM Tehran conference as I view it as a grand opportunity to shed light on the systematic disregard and violation of human rights by your hosts.

An immediate halt of such violations, followed by the release of all political prisoners is the rightful demand of the Iranian people who have every expectation that the Secretary General of the United Nations will not disregard their plight or abandon them at their time of greatest need.

With high esteem and personal regards,

Reza Pahlavi


Open letter to His Excellency Ban Ki moon, relating to decision to attend the No…

Open letter to His Excellency Ban Ki moon, relating to decision to attend the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) in Tehran

by Reza Pahlavi
Saturday, August 25th, 2012

Open Letter
His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
The United Nations
New York, NY

Your Excellency,

Your decision to attend the Non Aligned Movement (NAM), this week in Tehran, draws special attention to the unique role of the Secretary General as the leader of the United Nations, an institution that, in 1945, set as the preamble of its charter the following mission statement:

“To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom…”

In turn, the Non Aligned Movement has established the driving principals of the UN charter as the requisite basis of qualification for membership by candidate countries: Known as the “Ten Bandung Principles" it is noteworthy that “Respect for fundamental human rights” is the very first item of the charter of the NAM conference — Your Excellency is to attend in Tehran this week.

With great irony and quite unfortunately, the clerical regime of Iran’s continued, systematic and gross violation of human rights — within and beyond its borders — is a sad truth and an established fact that has been brought to your attention by a myriad of organizations, world citizens and leaders, including the UN’s own Human Rights Council and Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran.

Your Excellency’s attendance of the Tehran NAM conference is being watched very closely because of the unique mandate and opportunity afforded to your office at such an important and high-visibility conference, with the expectation that the dire condition of the thousands of political prisoners languishing in your host's prison cells will not be forgotten under any circumstance or diplomatic protocol.

Clearly, the Tehran conference will seek to detract, through lavish conferences, receptions and dramatic communiqués, the remotest attention from the thousands of men and woman, young and old suffering from cruel, unusual, life threatening conditions and torture at the hands of your very hosts. However, because of your personal awareness of the facts, there is a high level of confidence that you will not forget or leave un-addressed the plight of our political prisoners as they will be left with very little hope if the regime is given a pass by the international community, and not held accountable by a world body as important as the United Nations.

At the moment when the regime’s ‘supreme leader,’ Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, inaugurates the Tehran conference, he will do so while holding the very pen and key that has ordered and locked thousands of our nameless compatriots in prison cells and torture chambers throughout Tehran, the city host to you and all heads of states attending the NAM conference.

To the regime, it matters little who from, or why, a voice may rise in complaint, protest or grievance. Legitimate, well-founded or not, from friend or foe, the regime’s response to an alternate opinion is usually swift, punishing, cruel, crushing and often accompanied with great bravado: because they simply don’t feel — and are not held — accountable!

To that end neither Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Kazemeiny Boroujerdi nor Mr. Mir. Hossein Musavi, respectively a prominent clergy and a candidate for the presidency of the Islamic Republic, have been spared the regime’s wrath: both individuals have suffered deterioration of their health while held as political prisoners of the regime.

In Ayatollah Boroujerdi’s case, even though a learned cleric, he has not been exempt from intense regular physical torture; while, Mr. Mir Hossein Musavi’s three year detention has included heavy psychological torture and targeted denial of timely medical attention.

While the tide is fast changing as demands for accountability fuels the winds of change that are filling the sails of civil disobedience and peaceful defiance throughout Iran, high profile international attention to our plight is essential and often energizing as the Iranian people themselves will invariably chose right from wrong and bring light to darkness.

Your Excellency, I favor your high profile attendance of the NAM Tehran conference as I view it as a grand opportunity to shed light on the systematic disregard and violation of human rights by your hosts.

An immediate halt of such violations, followed by the release of all political prisoners is the rightful demand of the Iranian people who have every expectation that the Secretary General of the United Nations will not disregard their plight or abandon them at their time of greatest need.

With high esteem and personal regards,

Reza Pahlavi


Leva Khanjani, a Bahai citizen banned from continuing her education, appeared at…

Leva Khanjani, a Bahai citizen banned from continuing her education, appeared at Tehran’s Evin Prison on Saturday, August 25, 2012 to begin serving her two-year prison term.

Bahai student begins serving two-year prison term | Persian Icons
PCED: Leva Khanjani, a Bahai citizen banned from continuing her education, appeared at Tehran's Evin Prison on Saturday, August 25, 2012 to begin serving her

News vom 27. August 2012

Iranische Aktivisten fordern Ban Ki Moons Besuch der Oppositionsführer Moussavi und Karroubi Frauenbann an iranischen Unis: Kinder produzieren geht über Studieren Humedica-Hilfsteam: “Ich glaube, jetzt ist das Erdbeben gefühlsmäßig wirklich bei uns angekommen” Heute: Benefizkonzert für iranische Erdbebenopfer in Köln (s. unten) Iranische Filmemacher setzen Spendenaktion für Erdbebenopfer in Tabris fort (FA) Gras-Ski: Drei Weltcupsiege [...]

Sunday, August 26, 2012

News vom 26. August 2012

Befragung der entführten iranischen „Pilger“ in Syrien  “Reporter ohne Grenzen” fordert Freilassung Mir Hossein Moussavis Redeverbot für Angehörige zum Gesundheitszustand von Oppositionsführer Moussavi Nachrichten aus der iranischen Zivilgesellschaft – 14. August 2012 Internet-Initiative in Israel: Mit Liebe gegen den Militärschlag Ein Stück Deutschland in Iran – Besuch in Freiburgs Partnerstadt Isfahan Politik und Wirtschaft Iran [...]

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Is Dead at 82 Neil Armstrong, a quiet se…

Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Is Dead at 82

Neil Armstrong, a quiet self-described nerdy engineer who became a global hero when he made “one giant leap for mankind” with a small step on to the moon, died Saturday at age 82.

Mr. Armstrong died after complications from cardiovascular procedures, according to a statement from his family. The statement did not say where he died. He lived in Cincinnati.

Wall Photos
نیل آرمسترانگ، نخستین انسانی که بر کره ماه گام نهاد، در گذشت.

به گزارش NBC نیل آرمسترانگ اولین انسانی‌ که پا به روی کرهٔ ماه گذاشت در سنّ ۸۲ سالگی در گذشت. نیل الدن آرمسترانگ ( Neil Alden Armstrong) فضانورد آمریکایی متولد ۵ اوت ۱۹۳۰، نخستین انسانی است که طی ماموریت آپولو ۱۱ در ۲۰ ژوئیه ۱۹۶۹ (۲۹ تیر ۱۳۴۸) بر کره ماه گام نهاد. وی فضانورد سابق ناسا، خلبان آزمایش کنندهٔ، مهندس هوافضا، استاد دانشگاه و خلبان نیروی دریایی ایالات متحده آمریکا بود. نیل آرمسترانگ، در تاریخ ۲۱ ژوئیه ۱۹۶۹، در ساعت ۰۲:۵۶، در یک لحظهٔ تاریخی، پای چپش را روی ماه گذاشت. سرانجام یک جملهٔ بسیار معروف گفت: « این گامی کوچک برای یک انسان و جهشی بزرگ برای بشریت است. »

منبع: نیو یورک تایمز

News vom 25. August 2012

Iranische Studenten fordern von Mursi Treffen mit Oppositionsführer Moussavi Israel – Iran: „Er könnte mein bester Freund sein“ Israelische Schriftsteller – Gemeinsam gegen Iran? Internetzensur in Iran: Wie Instagram durch die Lücken schlüpfen konnte Interview mit Karikaturist Mana Neyestani: Kafka in Iran Fundsache: E.O. Plauens “Vater und Sohn” mit persischen Untertiteln Neues Online-Portal „Golha“ für [...]